Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Conflict Between German And Australian Workplace Telephone...

In an increasingly globalized environment, employers often look for potential workers who are familiar in one or more foreign languages. Unfortunately, perceived linguistic competence is often based on fluency in the vocabulary and grammar of the target language, with less of a focus on sensitivity towards cultural and semantic differences. Left unstudied, these differences can easily lead to, at best, misunderstanding and confusion in the workplace. At worst, an employee not understanding the speech acts of another could find themselves offended by perceived â€Å"rude† behavior and perpetuate cultural stereotypes of the other group. As English is a Germanic language, the linguistic gap from an outsider’s perspective does not seem wide.†¦show more content†¦A speech act is defined by George Yule as â€Å"an action such as ‘promising’ performed by a speaker with an utterance, either as a direct speech act or an indirect speech act† (Yule 298 ). Germans tend to be more direct with speech acts, and more explicit than English speakers when expressing disappointment or blame; they are less likely to imply a request and more likely to outright give a command or complaint (Grieve 193-194). Whereas English speakers are more likely to be indirect and keep opinions and emotions to themselves, focusing on being polite during a complaint rather than being direct, Grieve writes that Germans are more content-, goal-, and truth-oriented than English speakers (Grieve 193). This difference in weight on the importance of politeness over directness is a critical sociolinguistic difference between English speakers and German speakers, and stems from a cultural difference in content of conversation. Whereas German speakers value the information-conveying function in a conversation, English speakers value the social bonding aspect (Evans Davis 218). However, this does not imply that Germans are simply impolite; in instances of broad social distance between Germans, Germans use more advanced politeness elements, similar to English speakers (Stranovskà ¡ et al., 769). Co-workers are considered to have a closer social distance than the distance

Monday, December 16, 2019

Samsung Electronics Business Plan Free Essays

Samsung Electronics founded in 1969 with its headquarters in Samsung Town, Seoul, is part of the Samsung Group, which includes dozens of companies with vast interests. Through the last 40 years, the company had risen to become a global leader in the consumer electronics brands market with its innovative products such as mobile phones, TVs, and monitors. At present, Samsung Electronics leads the Samsung subsidiaries with more than 157,000 employees in their various assembly plants and sales network across 65 countries around the globe. We will write a custom essay sample on Samsung Electronics Business Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now With its revenue of $117. 4 billion in 2009, it has become one of the world class electronics company. Furthermore, Samsung Electronics industry is consumer electronics, Telecommunications and semiconductor. According to information of their corporate website, from its pioneer operations of an export business, the company has divested into electronics with specialty in digital, media, and microchips, memories, and systems integration. At present, the company’s innovative solutions on products and processes are recognized globally. The company attained a leadership position in the year 2009 when it surpassed leader Hewlett-Packard the erstwhile leader. Importantly, as a response to the downturn in the economy in 2009, Samsung Electronics of Seoul, South Korea, ‘implemented a structural reorganization to become more efficient to deal with worsening economic conditions. According to a Samsung spokeswoman Hwang Eun-ju, the changes were necessary to â€Å"effectively respond to the current global recession. † Samsung embarked on a management structural change from the sole Chief Executive Officer system, to a dual management structure with effective teams. Goals. Given revolutionary changes and opportunities digital age has brought to global businesses, Samsung electronics has and will continually respond with advanced technologies competitive products and innovativeness. Over the next five years and more, Samsung Electronics’ goal is to display unflinching commitment to making life easier and more comfortable for its consumers by taking advantage of the group’s key strengths: â€Å"New Technology,† â€Å"Innovative Products,† and â€Å"Creative Solutions. † Suffice it to say at this point that, in all the aforementioned goals, controlling cash flow and profitability will be an undertone. Products Samsung Electronics is the global leading manufacturer of memory chips, LCDs, and flat screen televisions, and is competitive in mobile manufactures. For over a decade, Samsung has maintained its leading position in microchip making. The company also manufactures an array of home appliances, TV/audio and video, cameras, and camcorders, monitors, and notebooks, and print solutions. In the area of wireless networking, Samsung Electronics developed protocols that were accepted internationally and used widely in foreign markets. Summary Organizational structure, control, and coordinating mechanisms are key variables for strategic implementation. An adaptive organizational structure facilitates changes in strategy, competitive moves, and changes in the environment. (Deresky, 2010, p. 257). Samsung Electronics which is a flagship of the Samsung group has carved a niche for its self in the consumer electronics market. Their major goal is to stay innovative to give value to their core groups- the industry, partners, and employees. In doing this however, an organizational structure that supports cash flow management and profitability will be erected to combat negative economic trends. References * Deresky, H. (2011). International management: Managing across borders and cultures (7th ed.).   Boston, MA: Prentice Hall. Samsung beats HP to pole position. Financial Times. Retrieved April 23, 2011 from http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/c48d477a-0c3b-11df-8b81-00144feabdc0.html. Samsung Electronics Background. Retrieved, April 24, 2011 from ceridian.co.uk   www.ceridian.co.uk/hr/brochures/Samsung How to cite Samsung Electronics Business Plan, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cost for Product Quality of Manufacturing Firm- myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theCost Accounting for Product Quality of Manufacturing Firm. Answer: Relationship Between Cost Control and Source of Supply The sourcing of material supplies is an essential process in an organization. The process of sourcing of material involves identification the suppliers and logistic service provider. The supplier will be from whom the goods are to be purchased while the logistic service provider will be responsible to bring the goods from the suppliers premises to the premises of purchaser (Madhavi, Mathew, Sasidharan, 2013). The entire process of material supply is crucial from the view point of cost control because cost of material supplies forms a significant part of the total cost of production. The management needs to be strategic in controlling the cost of material supplies. In the context of material supplies the cost control implies employing means and mechanism to reduce and control the cost of material purchased (Madhavi, Mathew, Sasidharan, 2013). The cost of material comprises the purchase cost and other expenses incurred in bring the material to the factory premises, which may include expenses such as freight, loading, unloading, and insurance. As part of the cost control process, the management sets budgets for the purchase quantities, prices and other expenses (Madhavi, Mathew, Sasidharan, 2013). The objectives of management are to ensure that the cost of material does not exceed the budget amount. In order to achieve this objective, the controlling and supervision of sources of material is necessary. The management needs to find out the sources of material where it can access qualitative material at low cost. Further, it should be noted that it is not the cost of material only which requires consideration of controlling but the quality of material is also important. The loose controlling on sources of supply may result in purchase of inferior quality of material. The inferior quality of material would further increase th e cost of production in the form of increased wastage (Madhavi, Mathew, Sasidharan, 2013). Impact of Source of Supply on Product Quality The sources of supply involve material suppliers and logistic managers. The sources of supply indirectly affect the quality of final product. The suppliers are responsible to make material as per specifications given by the purchaser. In case the suppliers provide defective material, the quality of the final product would be affected. The inferior quality of material would result in defect in production (Boon-itt, 2011). Thus, it is necessary to source the supplier of material carefully after reviewing the quality of material and negotiating the purchase price. Further, it is also necessary to take into consideration the controlling measures taken by the supplier to ensure good quality of the material. The other players in supply chain such as material packers and transporters also have impact on the product quality. In certain cases loose packaging of the material may affect its quality which in turn will affect the quality of final product. Further, the transporters are responsible to deliver the material in good condition to the purchasers premises. The laps in the transportation may deteriorate the quality of material. Therefore, it could be observed that all the participant of supply chain have importance for product quality (Benjaoran, Kaewsikhoa, Tabyang, 2012). Execution of Cost Control without any Significant Impact on the Product Quality In order to achieve the business objectives it is essential to have stringent cost controls in place. The purpose of having cost controls is to reduce the expenses so that profitability of the business can be improved (Wilson, 2015). Thus, the primary focus of cost control is on the cost cutting. However, it is notable that too much cost cutting may result in compromise in the product quality. Thus, it is essential to execute the cost controls in such a way that the impact on the product quality is minimal. If the cost controlling results in compromise with the quality of product, it will not benefit the company. In that way the company might save the cost but the revenues will be affected adversely. Due to low quality of product, the demand in the market will be down (Wilson, 2015). Thus, the essence is that the company should have cost controls but the execution of such controls should be in such a way that is does not compromise with the quality of the product. The cost cutting targets should be set in a realistic way; these should be achievable. The unachievable targets set by the management would result in compromising with the quality of the product (Wilson, 2015). Conclusion The discussion in this paper has been carried out on the aspects of cost control and the sources of supply. Further, the impact of sources of supply on the product quality has also been assessed. From the discussion, it could be articulated that the sources of supply have significant impact on the cost control. Further, it has been articulated that sources of supply also have great impact on the quality of the final product. However, the management needs to understand that the cost controls should be executed in such a manner that it does not affect the quality of the products adversely. References Benjaoran, V. Kaewsikhoa, A., Tabyang, W. 2012. A Development of Practical Cost Control System for Small and Medium-sized Contractors. IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(3), pp. 243-247. Boon-itt, S. 2011. Achieving Product Quality Performance: The Roles of Supply Chain Integration and Information Technology. International Journal of Innovation Management and Technology, 2(5), pp. 373-376. Madhavi, T.P., Mathew, S.V., Sasidharan, R. 2013. Material Management in Construction A Case Study. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 2319-1163, pp. 400-403. Wilson, R. 2015. Mastering Project Time Management, Cost Control, and Quality Management: Proven Methods for Controlling the Three Elements that Define Project Deliverables. FT Press.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay Example For Students

The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay Declaration This report entitled The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay was composed by me and is based in my own work. Where the work of others has been used, it is fully acknowledged in the text and in captions to tables and illustrations. Signed . We will write a custom essay on The Geology of The Massif Montgris specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Date .. Chapter 1.0 Abstract This is a study of the Massif Montgris, it is based on evidence gathered in the field over 21 days of field work. To supplement this data I have looked at papers and works by previous visitors to the Montgris. The units within the area are from the Upper Cretaceous the Tertiary and the Quaternary. I aim to give an overall guide to the geology on a smaller scale than has previously been accomplished. This study is mainly aimed at correctly dating the units of limestone using micropalaeontological data. The micropalaeontological data has also given light into the palaeoenvironment/geography during deposition. Chapter 2 Introduction 2.0.1 Introduction Between the 24th of June and the 24th of July 1995 Glen Burnham and I ventured to Catalunya. More precisely to Torroella de Montgris. Torroella is in the North East of Spain, just inland of the Mediterranean sea. This remarkable old town lies at the foot of the rather imposing Massif Montgris. Locally known as El Montgris (literally the grey Mountain) the massif rises up over the town and dominates the skyline. Torroella sits on quaternary conglomerate deposits. These are easily eroded, hence the valley between Pals (10Km to the south) and Torroella is extremely flat. The valley is bisected by the river El Ter, which flows at a leisurely pace from the foothills of the Pyrenees. The river flows to the south of Torroella and winds its way to its conclusion in the Playa de Pals (6Km east of Torroella). El Montgris has been known to humans since prehistoric times. It has some large caves on its slopes that served as a shelter to prehistoric man. The area was very popular with the Romans who cultivated the local area, built roads and towns (many of which still stand to this day) such as Peretelada to the south adjacent to Pals. Since the time of the Romans Torroella has grown into a thriving market town. It has always had close links with the Montgris which until recently still served a purpose as a shelter, not , however, against the elements but against Pirates and marauders from the sea. In fact, on top of the Muntanya Santa Catherina stands the remains of a thirteenth century castle (the last castle ever built in Spain). El Montgris has provided for the local commerce since it was first settled. The local people value the Mountains greatly and still use them today. The rock from which our dwelling was made was quarried from the mountain, the castle rock was quarried on the mountain. 2.0.2 Aims of Study. When I first considered the Montgris as a project area I realised that information would be sparse and that the project would be more complicated than a similar project in the U.K because the environment is so very different and resources would be a great deal more difficult to access (due to the language barrier). I also realised the project would probably be very different to the proposal. Before Glen and I left England we attempted to research the Massif Montgris through the usual channels in order to get an idea of what we would be facing. The research lead to a few vague leads, we new the rock was sedimentary and most likely limestone. Having visited the area previously I could recall a little about the rocks but was certain of their sedimentary nature. .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a , .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .postImageUrl , .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a , .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a:hover , .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a:visited , .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a:active { border:0!important; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a:active , .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udbb2c68fb78f3bb9dd1166fffc6e3f2a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dantes' Power and Limitations EssayOur first lead came from an unexpected source. My parents had vacationed in the area and upon my request had asked locally about any information pertaining to the Geology. The result was that they brought back a research map that dated the Massif as Cretaceous but suggested it was composed of 1 massive bed. We loosely agreed our study areas and arranged our projects accordingly. The local guide books and map had supplied us with information about the palaeontology (macro fossils) which suggested the rock was full of bivalves, brachiopods, corals and belemnites. Before leaving we were unable to unearth much more information BUT seemingly at the last minute we were able to make contact with Dr. David Brusi from the Universidad de Gerona(departament del geophysica) who reassured us that upon our arrival in Spain he would brief us on geology of El Montgris. Therefore, with very little in the way of . The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay Example For Students The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay Declaration This report entitled The Geology of the Massif Montgris was composed by me and is based in my own work. Where the work of others has been used, it is fully acknowledged in the text and in captions to tables and illustrations. We will write a custom essay on The Geology of The Massif Montgris specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Signed . Date .. Chapter 1.0 Abstract This is a study of the Massif Montgris, it is based on evidence gathered in the field over 21 days of field work. To supplement this data I have looked at papers and works by previous visitors to the Montgris. The units within the area are from the Upper Cretaceous the Tertiary and the Quaternary. I aim to give an overall guide to the geology on a smaller scale than has previously been accomplished. This study is mainly aimed at correctly dating the units of limestone using micropalaeontological data. The micropalaeontological data has also given light into the palaeoenvironment/geography during deposition. Chapter 2 Introduction 2.0.1 Introduction Between the 24th of June and the 24th of July 1995 Glen Burnham and I ventured to Catalunya. More precisely to Torroella de Montgris. Torroella is in the North East of Spain, just inland of the Mediterranean sea. This remarkable old town lies at the foot of the rather imposing Massif Montgris. Locally known as El Montgris (literally the grey Mountain) the massif rises up over the town and dominates the skyline. Torroella sits on quaternary conglomerate deposits. These are easily eroded, hence the valley between Pals (10Km to the south) and Torroella is extremely flat. The valley is bisected by the river El Ter, which flows at a leisurely pace from the foothills of the Pyrenees. The river flows to the south of Torroella and winds its way to its conclusion in the Playa de Pals (6Km east of Torroella). El Montgris has been known to humans since prehistoric times. It has some large caves on its slopes that served as a shelter to prehistoric man. The area was very popular with the Romans who cultivated the local area, built roads and towns (many of which still stand to this day) such as Peretelada to the south adjacent to Pals. Since the time of the Romans Torroella has grown into a thriving market town. It has always had close links with the Montgris which until recently still served a purpose as a shelter, not , however, against the elements but against Pirates and marauders from the sea. In fact, on top of the Muntanya Santa Catherina stands the remains of a thirteenth century castle (the last castle ever built in Spain). El Montgris has provided for the local commerce since it was first settled. The local people value the Mountains greatly and still use them today. The rock from which our dwelling was made was quarried from the mountain, the castle rock was quarried on the mountain. 2.0.2 Aims of Study. When I first considered the Montgris as a project area I realised that information would be sparse and that the project would be more complicated than a similar project in the U.K because the environment is so very different and resources would be a great deal more difficult to access (due to the language barrier). I also realised the project would probably be very different to the proposal. Before Glen and I left England we attempted to research the Massif Montgris through the usual channels in order to get an idea of what we would be facing. The research lead to a few vague leads, we new the rock was sedimentary and most likely limestone. Having visited the area previously I could recall a little about the rocks but was certain of their sedimentary nature. .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 , .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .postImageUrl , .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 , .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7:hover , .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7:visited , .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7:active { border:0!important; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7:active , .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7 .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2d51b0d7c9142b568ff0682a11fc18d7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: History of the Conservative Movement EssayOur first lead came from an unexpected source. My parents had vacationed in the area and upon my request had asked locally about any information pertaining to the Geology. The result was that they brought back a research map that dated the Massif as Cretaceous but suggested it was composed of 1 massive bed. We loosely agreed our study areas and arranged our projects accordingly. The local guide books and map had supplied us with information about the palaeontology (macro fossils) which suggested the rock was full of bivalves, brachiopods, corals and belemnites. Before leaving we were unable to unearth much more information BUT seemingly at the last minute we were able to make contact with Dr. David Brusi from the Universidad de Gerona(departament del geophysica) who reassured us that upon our arrival in Spain he would brief us on geology of El Montgris. Therefore, with very . The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay Example For Students The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay The Geology of The Massif Montgris Essay Declaration This report entitled The Geology of the Massif Montgris was composed by me and is based in my own work. Where the work of others has been used, it is fully acknowledged in the text and in captions to tables and illustrations. We will write a custom essay on The Geology of The Massif Montgris specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Signed . Date .. Chapter 1.0 Abstract This is a study of the Massif Montgris, it is based on evidence gathered in the field over 21 days of field work. To supplement this data I have looked at papers and works by previous visitors to the Montgris. The units within the area are from the Upper Cretaceous the Tertiary and the Quaternary. I aim to give an overall guide to the geology on a smaller scale than has previously been accomplished. This study is mainly aimed at correctly dating the units of limestone using micropalaeontological data. The micropalaeontological data has also given light into the palaeoenvironment/geography during deposition. Chapter 2 Introduction 2.0.1 Introduction Between the 24th of June and the 24th of July 1995 Glen Burnham and I ventured to Catalunya. More precisely to Torroella de Montgris. Torroella is in the North East of Spain, just inland of the Mediterranean sea. This remarkable old town lies at the foot of the rather imposing Massif Montgris. Locally known as El Montgris (literally the grey Mountain) the massif rises up over the town and dominates the skyline. Torroella sits on quaternary conglomerate deposits. These are easily eroded, hence the valley between Pals (10Km to the south) and Torroella is extremely flat. The valley is bisected by the river El Ter, which flows at a leisurely pace from the foothills of the Pyrenees. The river flows to the south of Torroella and winds its way to its conclusion in the Playa de Pals (6Km east of Torroella). El Montgris has been known to humans since prehistoric times. It has some large caves on its slopes that served as a shelter to prehistoric man. The area was very popular with the Romans who cultivated the local area, built roads and towns (many of which still stand to this day) such as Peretelada to the south adjacent to Pals. Since the time of the Romans Torroella has grown into a thriving market town. It has always had close links with the Montgris which until recently still served a purpose as a shelter, not , however, against the elements but against Pirates and marauders from the sea. In fact, on top of the Muntanya Santa Catherina stands the remains of a thirteenth century castle (the last castle ever built in Spain). El Montgris has provided for the local commerce since it was first settled. The local people value the Mountains greatly and still use them today. The rock from which our dwelling was made was quarried from the mountain, the castle rock was quarried on the mountain. 2.0.2 Aims of Study. When I first considered the Montgris as a project area I realised that information would be sparse and that the project would be more complicated than a similar project in the U.K because the environment is so very different and resources would be a great deal more difficult to access (due to the language barrier). I also realised the project would probably be very different to the proposal. Before Glen and I left England we attempted to research the Massif Montgris through the usual channels in order to get an idea of what we would be facing. The research lead to a few vague leads, we new the rock was sedimentary and most likely limestone. Having visited the area previously I could recall a little about the rocks but was certain of their sedimentary nature. .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a , .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .postImageUrl , .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a , .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a:hover , .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a:visited , .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a:active { border:0!important; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a:active , .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u343ce4ea66568b22f6964b04e1a8d78a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: J.P. Morgan Persuasive EssayOur first lead came from an unexpected source. My parents had vacationed in the area and upon my request had asked locally about any information pertaining to the Geology. The result was that they brought back a research map that dated the Massif as Cretaceous but suggested it was composed of 1 massive bed. We loosely agreed our study areas and arranged our projects accordingly. The local guide books and map had supplied us with information about the palaeontology (macro fossils) which suggested the rock was full of bivalves, brachiopods, corals and belemnites. Before leaving we were unable to unearth much more information BUT seemingly at the last minute we were able to make contact with Dr. David Brusi from the Universidad de Gerona(departament del geophysica) who reassured us that upon our arrival in Spain he would brief us on geology of El Montgris. Therefore, with very . The Geology Of The Massif Montgris Essay Example For Students The Geology Of The Massif Montgris Essay The Geology Of The Massif Montgris Essay Declaration This report entitled The Geology of the Massif Montgris was composed by me and is based in my own work. Where the work of others has been used, it is fully acknowledged in the text and in captions to tables and illustrations. We will write a custom essay on The Geology Of The Massif Montgris specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Signed . Date .. Chapter 1.0 Abstract This is a study of the Massif Montgris, it is based on evidence gathered in the field over 21 days of field work. To supplement this data I have looked at papers and works by previous visitors to the Montgris. The units within the area are from the Upper Cretaceous the Tertiary and the Quaternary. I aim to give an overall guide to the geology on a smaller scale than has previously been accomplished. This study is mainly aimed at correctly dating the units of limestone using micropalaeontological data. The micropalaeontological data has also given light into the palaeoenvironment/geography during deposition. Chapter 2 Introduction 2.0.1 Introduction Between the 24th of June and the 24th of July 1995 Glen Burnham and I ventured to Catalunya. More precisely to Torroella de Montgris. Torroella is in the North East of Spain, just inland of the Mediterranean sea. This remarkable old town lies at the foot of the rather imposing Massif Montgris. Locally known as El Montgris (literally the grey Mountain) the massif rises up over the town and dominates the skyline. Torroella sits on quaternary conglomerate deposits. These are easily eroded, hence the valley between Pals (10Km to the south) and Torroella is extremely flat. The valley is bisected by the river El Ter, which flows at a leisurely pace from the foothills of the Pyrenees. The river flows to the south of Torroella and winds its way to its conclusion in the Playa de Pals (6Km east of Torroella). El Montgris has been known to humans since prehistoric times. It has some large caves on its slopes that served as a shelter to prehistoric man. The area was very popular with the Romans who cultivated the local area, built roads and towns (many of which still stand to this day) such as Peretelada to the south adjacent to Pals. Since the time of the Romans Torroella has grown into a thriving market town. It has always had close links with the Montgris which until recently still served a purpose as a shelter, not , however, against the elements but against Pirates and marauders from the sea. In fact, on top of the Muntanya Santa Catherina stands the remains of a thirteenth century castle (the last castle ever built in Spain). El Montgris has provided for the local commerce since it was first settled. The local people value the Mountains greatly and still use them today. The rock from which our dwelling was made was quarried from the mountain, the castle rock was quarried on the mountain. 2.0.2 Aims of Study. When I first considered the Montgris as a project area I realised that information would be sparse and that the project would be more complicated than a similar project in the U.K because the environment is so very different and resources would be a great deal more difficult to access (due to the language barrier). I also realised the project would probably be very different to the proposal. Before Glen and I left England we attempted to research the Massif Montgris through the usual channels in order to get an idea of what we would be facing. The research lead to a few vague leads, we new the rock was sedimentary and most likely limestone. Having visited the area previously I could recall a little about the rocks but was certain of their sedimentary nature. .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e , .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .postImageUrl , .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e , .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e:hover , .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e:visited , .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e:active { border:0!important; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e:active , .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u98b910d9a7b24df09fafea9c4657532e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Personality EssayOur first lead came from an unexpected source. My parents had vacationed in the area and upon my request had asked locally about any information pertaining to the Geology. The result was that they brought back a research map that dated the Massif as Cretaceous but suggested it was composed of 1 massive bed. We loosely agreed our study areas and arranged our projects accordingly. The local guide books and map had supplied us with information about the palaeontology (macro fossils) which suggested the rock was full of bivalves, brachiopods, corals and belemnites. Before leaving we were unable to unearth much more information BUT seemingly at the last minute we were able to make contact with Dr. David Brusi from the Universidad de Gerona(departament del geophysica) who reassured us that upon our arrival in Spain he would brief us on geology of El Montgris. Therefore, with very .

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Story on Animal Captivity Essays

Story on Animal Captivity Essays Story on Animal Captivity Paper Story on Animal Captivity Paper Many people have heard about Keiko, the killer whale, who starred in the movie Free Willy. After seeing the movie, audiences discovered that the friendly whale in the movie was in a tank too small and in bad health because of that and other complications that come with being taken from its natural habitat to a place where it cant meet its own needs. Soon a foundation was set u[ and money started pouring in from children and their schools to come up with a plan to one day free Keiko. The tank/habitat cost $7.3 million to build and $9 million for staff, veterinarian, care, food, utilities and other costs for the first two years alone (Oregon Coast Aquarium). With all the problems in the world with humans and animals, it is hard to see this much money going to help just one whale. There are different types of animal stories that people hear about. There are the wonderful stories about adorable animals that do something amazing or need our help. There are also stories about animals that are used in good and bad experiments. When you hear about the treatment of some animals for research, you feel like forgetting about research. One such story was in 1988, three gray whales got stuck in freezing waters in Alaska, the whales were at risk of drowning because the holes in the ice that they were using to breathe were slowly freezing over. a large rescue was put together that ended up involving the National Guard and the U.S. and Soviet governments to get the whales free (Luke 87). Another story is of a mother cat that risked burning to death to save her kittens from a burning building. She and her kittens needed a home, which they got after the news coverage of the amazing act of the mother. The first story is amazing because two separate governments (which havent been able to get along for the most part of the last 50 years and have only recently started to become friendly) came together to help three animals that needed some outside help. The question is: were the two governments and other groups that helped, really trying to help the whales or get attention for themselves, and say Hey, we are helpful to everyone including animals that cant even ask for help. The news is just as bad as the two governments and groups. the reporters give the animals names, which makes viewers feel like they know the animals involved, so they keep watching to find out what happens. TV is the land of ratings and the only way to get ratings is to grab the audiences attention, with stories that make audiences have strong emotions about something (Luke 87). The cat and her kittens all got happy homes and the whales were able to go on their way, so in these two cases everything was successful. Then there are the more extreme cases of when activists illegally raid research facilities to free animals that are being experimented on. Some of these stories are justified, when the experiments being done and the condition of the animals are discovered. In some cases newborn animals such as monkeys are taken away from their mothers as soon as they are born, and are started on experiments. Some experiments range from implanting devices, electrical cords for stimulation, or a variety of things. These are some of the more extreme cases of experimentation and sometimes groups, such as PETA, step in and take things into their own hands, Illegally (Newkirk). Most people dont think about what it really means to try and release an animal back into the wild and what all needs to be done for the act to take place. People and activists that are saying that the animals should be released arent thinking about the fact that many of the animals have been in captivity for many years or born in captivity. These animals have been hand fed and not had to worry about predators. They have forgotten how to hunt and protect themselves which, in the wild, are the two main survival needs. The animals have to be able to move with the seasons as their food moves. Another consideration that is over looked is that the captive animals may have picked up diseases that dont appear in the wild and cold threaten the survival of whole species (Zaneski).  some studies have been done with releasing dolphins back into the wild. In some cases the dolphins were unable to rejoin with dolphin pods and started hanging around fishing boats and beaches. The studies done arent all that good. The dolphins werent kept track of for very long so its not for certain whether or not they were able to survive (Zaneski). This brings us back to the question: is it worth the time and large amounts of money to try and teach animals that have been either held or born in captivity to live in the wild again or for the first time in their lives? It appears that many people feel this way by the outpouring of money to help just one whale. Captain Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepard conservation Society, believes that a lot of the recent out pouring of aid to a few animals is because of the media giving these few animals names. When something is named it is harder to forget about it, and makes it seem more human. He believes that individual animals are helped more than the species as a whole because with individual animals it is easier to see and understand what their problems are. Many people, for example, have helped Keiko, because he was in a movie about a whale being free. Then everyone wanted that to happen for the whale actor, especially when they found out that Keiko was living in a tank that was too small which was contributing to health problems (Watson). Captain Watson also point ou that not all places that hold animals are bad. Example one is the Mirage Hotel in Las Vega that rescues animals from poor living conditions at other places. Some of the animals taken in had been abused at one time. At the Mirage, no expense is spared and they arent forced to perform. Another example is Sea World, which only takes in animals that need rescuing, from strandings, or some other reasons that caused them to need rescuing and care (Watson). After being rescued or born in captivity, these animals learn to depend on humans for protection and food. Releasing them back into the wild would then be less humane than keeping them in captivity. At least when they are in captivity they are being taken care of. It may not be the animals natural habitats, but if it comes to choosing between keeping them in captivity and releasing them back into the wild, the choice should be to keep them in captivity. In the wild they will most likely end up starving to death or being eaten by a larger animal, so keeping them in captivity is for their best interest, instead of trying to get them back to the wild.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Differences Between Probability and Statistics

Differences Between Probability and Statistics Probability and statistics are two closely related mathematical subjects. Both use much of the same terminology and there are many points of contact between the two. It is very common to see no distinction between probability concepts and statistical concepts. Many times material from both of these subjects gets lumped under the heading â€Å"probability and statistics,† with no attempt to separate what topics are from which discipline. Despite these practices and the common ground of the subjects, they are distinct. What is the difference between probability and statistics? What Is Known The main difference between probability and statistics has to do with knowledge. By this, we refer to what are the known facts when we approach a problem. Inherent in both probability and statistics is a population, consisting of every individual we are interested in studying, and a sample, consisting of the individuals that are selected from the population. A problem in probability would start with us knowing everything about the composition of a population, and then would ask, â€Å"What is the likelihood that a selection, or sample, from the population, has certain characteristics?† Example We can see the difference between probability and statistics by thinking about a drawer of socks. Perhaps we have a drawer with 100 socks. Depending upon our knowledge of the socks, we could have either a statistics problem or a probability problem. If we know that there are 30 red socks, 20 blue socks, and 50 black socks, then we can use probability to answer questions about the makeup of a random sample of these socks. Questions of this type would be: â€Å"What is the probability that we draw two blue socks and two red socks from the drawer?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"What is the probability that we pull out 3 socks and have a matching pair?†Ã¢â‚¬ What is the probability that we draw five socks, with replacement, and they are all black?† If instead, we have no knowledge about the types of socks in the drawer, then we enter into the realm of statistics. Statistics help us to infer properties about the population on the basis of a random sample. Questions that are statistical in nature would be: A random sampling of ten socks from the drawer produced one blue sock, four red socks, and five black socks. What is the total proportion of black, blue and red socks in the drawer?We randomly sample ten socks from the drawer, write down the number of black socks, and then return the socks to the drawer. This process is done five times. The mean number of socks is for each of these trials is 7. What is the true number of black socks in the drawer? Commonality Of course, probability and statistics do have much in common. This is because statistics are built upon the foundation of probability. Although we typically do not have complete information about a population, we can use theorems and results from probability to arrive at statistical results. These results inform us about the population. Underlying all of this is the assumption that we are dealing with random processes. This is why we stressed that the sampling procedure we used with the sock drawer was random. If we do not have a random sample, then we are no longer building upon assumptions that are present in probability. Probability and statistics are closely linked, but there are differences. If you need to know what methods are appropriate, just ask yourself what it is that you know.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

America's intervention in Syria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

America's intervention in Syria - Essay Example America has previously intervened in other crisis like this such as in Egypt and Iraq though Syria’s case has been complicated by failure of China and Russia to adopt a resolution by the United Nation’s Security Council. This paper therefore recommends against military intervention but a diplomatic and politically negotiated solution for the benefit of both Syrians and America. Introduction The uprising in Tunisia ignited the turning point in the leadership of many Arab countries. In what begun within the social media, it is now clear that the uprising in Tunisia was a significant event in the Arab spring. It took only one year since this uprising begun in Tunisia and now Syrians are fighting to overthrow the Damascus regime led by their authoritarian leader Bashar al-Assad. Despite the many deaths that have occurred in other countries such as Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt due to the same fight against dictatorship, innocent Syrians continue to die. It is also important to note that Syrians who are persistently seeking to overthrow the government and Bashar regime has constantly faced severely and violent crackdown from him. The increasing violent attack on Syrians by Bashar regime has not only led to the death of many Syrians, but has presented a serious humanitarian crisis in the nation. . As stated by (), the number of Syrians who have died in the violence stand at seven thousand since the beginning of the violence in March this year. Moreover, the matter has been complicated further by the rejection by China and Russia to adopt a resolution on the matter by the United Nation’s Security Council. Although the certain interventions have been successful in the past like in Libya where dictator Gadhafi was brought down, intervention in Syria is tricky and the feasibility of United States intervention is in question. Background of the Study and History Syria is an Arab nation found along the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea within the Middl e East. This nation is very diverse in terms of both ethnicity and religious even though many citizens of the nation are Sunni Arab Muslims. Civilization has taken place in different nations since many years and centuries, however, Syria can be rated as very young in terms of civilization. Although its boarders were drawn over a hundred years ago by the European colony, it has not adopted the modern democracy with regards to national governance. Currently, the nation is in the center of a serious humanitarian crisis resulting from violence between government forces and National Coalition of Revolution and other militia groups (Hasan, 2012). The conflict in Syria begun when the peaceful protesters mainly inspired by revolution in both Tunisia and Egypt begun challenging the dictatorial regime led by Assad in late March 2011 (Unham, 2013). The response from the government was not only severe, but exhibited the highest level of atrocity never witnesses in the country. The government be gun raping, kidnapping, killing and torturing activists as well as their family members. This never deterred many protesters but only served to energize their operations. The government then directed and increased atrocities to small children and women mutilating their bodies and dumping by the roadsides (Unham, 2013). When military begun shooting direct on the protesters, the civilian responded by shooting back thus the fighting escalated from a mere protest into civil war. The year 2012 marked the midst of highest atrocities ever

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Christian scriptures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Christian scriptures - Essay Example The real purpose of the gospels is therefore to establish faith in Christ (NIV Compact Dictionary, p.226). The first three gospels i.e. of St. Matthew, St. Mark and St. Luke, have an â€Å"obvious and striking† (Catholic Encyclopedia) mutual resemblance, and grouped together are known as the Synoptic Gospels. Synoptic means of the ‘same view’. The fact that some material is common between the synoptic gospels also suggests that some of the synoptic texts were used as source material for the others. These synoptic texts contrast with the final fourth Gospel of St. John â€Å"whose relations with the other three is that of dissimilarity rather than of likeness.† (ibid) This gospel narrates â€Å"few incidents in common with the synoptists, and differs from them in respect to style, language, general plan, etc.† (ibid) That is, its content cannot be harmonized with the synoptic narratives. It also does not contain any parables as the other three. In short, whilst the Synoptic Gospels offer alternative but parallel accounts of the life of Jesus, the Gospel o f St. John the Apostle stands apart from them in terms of its content, coverage and approach. Nonetheless, all four gospels are intimately related in being related to Jesus’ life and teachings. Each gospel writer therefore presents a particular picture of Jesus in their own unique way. â€Å"Matthew concentrates on the relationship of Jesus to the Jewish faith†¦ Mark emphases action rather than teaching†¦ Luke stresses the blessings of salvation brought by Jesus†¦ [and] John reveals Jesus as the One sent by God the Father into the world to be its Saviour.† (Lion Handbook, p.470-472) So, Matthew writes for his fellow Jews, concentrates on Jesus as the Messiah, and carefully records what Jesus said about the kingdom of heaven. â€Å"Matthew’s gospel more than any other is the link between the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Persevere of a Young Lady Essay Example for Free

Persevere of a Young Lady Essay The start of the Holocaust began under the leadership Hitler. The Nazis blindsided by ideology started a war of hate against the Jewish People. The Germans at the beginning restricted human rights and bans transportation. Later in their rampage they began the onslaught of the Jewish people. Jews that managed not to escape the German stronghold were hunted down. People of Jewish decent had to abandon their lives and go in hiding. Hidden Jews had to live in the moment because they never know what is the future is ahead. In Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank shows the reader that the Holocaust did exist. The diary shows how a young girl was able to persevere in the cold settings. Frank described how important to lean on family but also believe in yourself. â€Å"Anne Frank’s ability to always improve herself enables her to resist oppression, determine for growth and a mind of direction†. Anne Frank’s was in a terrible situation where she had to remain hidden and stay with people who did not respect her. Under oppression, Frank felt the need to define herself. She longed for knowledge and enthusiasm to accompany her behind the walls. She was an able to reason the best approaches to address the situation. Frank shows her dedication in improving her condition: â€Å"Alone I had to face the difficult task of changing myself, to stop the everlasting reproaches, which were so oppressive and which reduced me to such terrible despondency† (170). At the time Anne was not strong to prevail against the compression of emotions in the house. Anne realized that she was becoming narcissistic; she started to enhance her view of situation differently. As the reader I felt that Anne at moments only felt that she was only individual going through these chaotic times. The way how Anne disrespected her mother was a developmental process. Anne comments were detrimental to her mother relationship. The sadness of her mother affected different parts of the family. I felt metaphorically Anne felt that group was like a wind chime, when you affect one part the other chimes respond. The need to improve herself is important for happiness in the Secret Annexe. Anne wanted to become something bigger then she. She was determined to become an Independent Woman. Being backed in the corner, Anne belief in improvement off sprang into knowledge of optimism. â€Å"The war goes on just the same, whether or not we choose to quarrel, or long for freedom and fresh air, and so we should try to make the best of our stay here. Now I’m preaching, but I also believe that if I stay here for very long I shall grow in to a dried up beanstalk. And I did so want to grow in to a real young woman†(138-139). Anne optimism in conflicts of her family and war was best kept to herself. Frank felt that the person who is able to control a situation is the one who can master oneself. This level of maturation was achieved by a bright girl. Anne intrigue in optimism of the moment was like the saying â€Å"the longest rope in the world has an end†. She had a good idea of how days were passing in the Secret Annexe. Anne remembered the days of having the freedom to go to school. Unlike girls her age going to school, Anne wanted become a woman. Anne not only wants to be a woman but to have a vision. Anne looked to the future for motivation. Despite all the troubles she was focused on improving her status. The motivation of this girl to pursue her goal shows no matter the situation it can always be manipulated. She did not worry of the past but focused on the future. Anne hard skin started to show: â€Å"Then I began trying to talk some courage into myself. I could only say: â€Å"I must, I must, I must†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Completely stiff from the unnatural position, I fell against the side of the bed and fought on, until I climbed into bed again just before half past ten. It was over! And now it’s all over. I must work, so as not to be a fool, to get on, to be a journalist, because that’s what I want! I know that I can write, a couple of my stories good, my descriptions of the â€Å"Secret Annexe† are humorous, there’s a lot in my diary that speaks, but – whether I have real talent remains to be seen. †(197). Anne showed a commitment to achieve her max potential. She will work hard to be remembered on this earth. Anne becomes very aware of her talent to write with beautiful description with clarity. I think that this moment indicated that Anne was showing Independence. She was not going to let hunger get in her way of success. Anne’s spirit of growth has enabled her to direct what in life she wanted to pursue. During the time of the Holocaust put a big strain on the individuals who were persecuted. Many lifeless acts by Germans had destroying many Jewish Famines but not their hearts. The Frank family never successfully managed to hide in Amsterdam. The Frank Family was transported to a Holocaust Camp where the Dad only managed to survive. The father of Ann Frank, Otto Frank took the need to publish Anne’s Diary. Anne’s Diary shows that the holocaust did exist and the life she has lived. This is important time in history where the most persecuted people in modern history was able to persevere.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cold War :: essays research papers

There are two boys at school who really hate each other. One just can’t stand the other’s existence. The odd thing is that they don’t know why they hate each other. Another odd thing is that they have never fought. They have come pretty close, standing toe-to-toe; staring at each other, but one of them always backs off. Whenever they face off, each of them has his own squad of cronies, ready to jump in at the twitch of an eye. What started as two guys accidentally bumping into each other could quickly escalate into an all out brawl at the drop of a dime. The silence is deafening. The two boys’ stares are cold and alarmingly deep. Their fists are clenched and their jaws are tightly closed. Their breathing becomes rapid. Rage wells up and fills their eyes. Onlookers hold their breath in anticipation of the carnage that is to come. The whole school knows that if these two actually threw down, there would be no holding back. Hearing the lack of noise and seeing the circle of kids, teachers, coaches, and the school resource officers come rushing to the scene. The two boys slowly back away from each other, neither one taking his eyes off the other. Everyone goes back to what they were doing, but the cloud of tension still hangs thick in the air. Other kids wonder why these two never actually fight. With so much hate for one another it seems as though they should have clashed by now. The answer is simple. Each one knows that his hatred for the other is so intense, so fierce, and so pent up that if it were ever unleashed on the other, there would be no way to save his life. Each one also realizes that there is a slight chance that the other is stronger, quicker, more agile, and a better fighter. He may actually lose, which would mean certain death, as the rage in the other’s heart is just as fierce as his. They don’t fight because they know the consequences would be severe, no matter how the conflict turned out. Imagine what would happen if one of the boys decided to throw a punch. Another would surely follow. They would have continued beating each other until one of them was annihilated. The friends of the defeated one would retaliate, and the friends of the victor would defend.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Contemporary Developments in Psychology and Counseling Essay

Every human behavior includes in an events and activities that a human being show in his lifetime. Human’s intelligence and creativeness produced great inventions that prolong human lives and make living on this earth convenient. But at the same time human intelligence have produced life threatening inventions that can take away lives at the press of a button. In other words, men nurtures and protect his fellow human and at the same time destroys them. And so with these, we became curious. â€Å"Why do people behave the way they do?† with these problem we can now enter the world of Psychology. Psychology nowadays is universally defined as the science of scientific study of behavior and mental processes. And under this field of Psychology there are major areas which are the biopsychology, experimental psychology, developmental and personality psychology, health clinical and counseling psychology and social-industrial-organizational consumer and cross cultural psychology. And under this field we have the cognitive learning which assumes that learning results from thinking and other mental processes. Cognitive learning grew from a combination of Gestalt psychology and Behavioral Psychology. Cognitive Perspective focuses on how a person knows, understands and thinks about his or her environment. The Development of Cognitive Learning was according to the theory of Jean Piaget a Swiss Psychologist. He states that mental development undergoes different stages from birth until adolescence when a person acquired most of the cognitive functions. Some scientist also made their studies about the so-called Cognitive learning. Like Edward Tolman and Wolfgang Kohler. According to Tolman all organisms are capable of thinking. He believes that organisms takes in the information and use it to adapt to its environment. While Kohler experiment on insight of learning. He suggested that cognitive processes play an important role in learning. Insights are formed suddenly and transferred immediately to other similar problems. There are two steps in the process of cognitive interpretation in emotions. The interpretation of stimuli from the environment The interpretation of stimuli from the body to autonomic arousal As the first method says it means that individuals are not affected by the events but by the interpretation of the individuals on these situations. While the second method means the interpretation of within the body stimuli resulting to autonomic arousal. Another thing, Psychologists categorizes the diverse fields of Psychology under different models, approaches and perspectives. And these are seven perspectives; these are the evolutionary perspective, psychodynamic perspective, behavioral perspective, cognitive perspective, humanistic perspective, biological perspective or neurobiological perspective and neuropsychological perspective. These perspectives help Psychologists to organize their scientific findings to connect them to theories as they seek for further research. References Gines, Adelaida C. General Psychology. Philippines: REX Bookstore, Inc.,2003      

Saturday, November 9, 2019

North American History Essay

In the words of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, two great rivals in American History, were not only their honor and image, but the principles and ideals that would lead the legislation of a country in the frustrated process of amalgamation and integration. As Abraham Lincoln proposed in his Republican State Convention of 1858 speech, there were two American clashing ideologies in debate, ideologies that could not coexist forever within a â€Å"House Divided†. Moreover, he emphasizes his beliefs when he states: â€Å"Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South† (Lincoln) By his immediate rhetorical question of â€Å"Have we no tendency to the latter condition?† (Lincoln) it is obvious that he, as a republican and abolitionist, is against the prevailing of the institution of slavery, something that is put into doubt by the accusations made to him by his opponent who adheres himself to prove the lack of congruence in Lincoln’s speeches. This accusation can be tangible to a point, for the speeches were more emphatic towards certain ideas in the north, than in the south and vice versa, but the main principles of Lincoln’s ideas tend to show his point of view as aligned with that of the Abolitionists, in quite a particular way. Taking into account certain confusing ambivalence in Lincoln’s speech, although he proposed equality when he invited Americans to â€Å"†¦unite as one people throughout this land until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal.† (Douglas, quoting Lincoln), he also encouraged certain division and differentiated whites from blacks when he said â€Å"†¦I am not nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way, the social and political equality of the white and black races†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Douglas, quoting Lincoln), referring to certain ways of life and the position to be held by African Americans in his opinion. A difference in these quotations is evident, but it is taken as a cautious step towards safekeeping his political career, and expressing a certain opinion that supported the abolition of slavery, but not intend to radically change the position of hegemony of the white men. A great conflict can come out of this ideology, b ut it was a great step forward in the emancipation of the black people. Although Abraham Lincoln’s idea of the condition of humans as slaves is left idle for a moment, the fact that he takes it to be an evil that must be stopped is clear when â€Å"†¦we think it is a moral, a social and a political wrong.† (Lincoln) is stated, but the fact that it should be dealt with â€Å"†¦as with any other wrong, in so far as we can prevent its growing any larger, and so deal with it that in the run of time there may be some promise of an end to it.† (Lincoln) also makes clear that although intervention in the south is not within his policy, it is his intention to stop its growth and contain it within its boundaries until, as stated in another occasion, it would perish. In our opinion, Lincoln’s plan is very difficult thing to attain, for how could one oppress an institution such as slavery, and promote openly pro north policies, supposedly leaving the south to their ideals until the times and abolitionist movement created such a situation where the institution would collapse by itself? This is what Judge Douglas questions the most, making Lincoln seem as incoherent. To a point he was, but the great tension created between both ideologies had separated the country to a point in which Lincoln had to have great care. The Missouri compromise dividing free and slave states in the latitude parallel 36à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½30†² and the later Kansas Nebraska act only temporally detained the and smoothed the tension that existed in the fight for power and representation between North and South, abolitionists and slave supporters. The Dred Scott versus Stanford case only augmented the tension, making the questions of its constitutionality and rightfulness be debated across the nation. While Douglas’s position tends to favor a patched agreement between south and north, one of â€Å"mutual non intervention† (Douglas) that could lead to further separation as we think, Lincoln’s policy, ambiguous as it might be in certain respects, was very clear in one thing: the separation that up to now had existed dividing the country in two could not continue much further. For him, apart of his abolitionist principles, above all was the union of the Federation, he could not permit each part of the nation to take its own course, something that would change the fate of the United States forever. A pivotal period would come out of his later governance that would lean the countries future northwards, until again unity would rise much later. This intention would not be clear since the beginning of Lincoln’s political career, despite his clear ideals regarding slavery. This is obvious in the difference in his â€Å"House Divided† speech, and his Sixth Joint Debate with Douglas, at Quincy. Even in the different speeches mentioned in the second paper, where the words of this leader can be confusing, there is certain continuity in his thought. The Dred Scott case is very important in both of his situations. In the first one he addresses it as if the slave policies were â€Å"tending† (Lincoln) the nation towards them, in the second one he is reassuring the possibilities this interpretation of the constitution of the United States by the Supreme Court opens, such as â€Å"†¦slavery would be established in all the States as well as in the Territories.† (Lincoln) Within these lines, the point of view of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas is made clear. While the first clearly wants to avoid the spreading of slavery, for the moment being, and eventually eradicate it, Douglas, claiming to have a â€Å"care-not† (Lincoln) policy as stated by Lincoln, endorsed the popular sovereignty doctrine. It is Douglas who previously had proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, giving power of decision on the free or slave state issue to the inhabitants of the area, not based on the moral and ethical consequences of this, for he was not concerned with these but more so in â€Å"expansion of settlement and commerce† (Divine, Robert, et al. 271). Both politicians have a diverging speech and line of thought, for Abraham Lincoln concentrates more on repudiating the idea of slavery itself, while Douglas is not focuses on this, but rather on another scheme: one which was more pleasing to draw support from both sides, one that was in the middle of supporting and fighting slavery, one which proved a failure as the book just cited comments, for the two currents of thought, the one supporting and the other rejecting slavery are very difficult to unite as a whole. It can be said that all these ideological questions surge between attacks and allegations against each other. The first â€Å"House Divided† speech is more of a uplifting, but challenging and persuasive speech in which Lincoln confronts the problems of the nation, the second speech, or debate between Lincoln and Douglas is more of a defensive and offensive one in which one politician is going to enhance his reputation, beneficial for a further political career and the other is going to worsen it. This is obvious for most of the speech is consumed in correcting fallacies said by the other or accusations of perjuries. Between lines is when the true nature of the politicians though reveals itself with clarity. â€Å"It is precisely no other than the putting of that most unphilosophical proposition, that two bodies can occupy the same space at the same time.† (Lincoln) is the quotation that convinces the readers of the Lincoln-Douglas debate of America’s strain, the point of view of slavery cannot coexist with abolitionism, not even Douglas’s view of giving the choice to the inhabitants of the place is viable. Of course Lincoln has to be careful with such a topic, and he is, sounding flexible when he states that â€Å"Judge Douglas understands the Constitution according to the Dred Scott decision, and he is bound to support it as he understands it. I understand it another way, and therefore I am bound to support it in the way in which I understand it.† (Lincoln), yet firm in his convictions. In conclusion, it can be said that the rivalry of these men and ideals they stand for are representative of a nation, a nation that is divided by many issues, of which slavery is a crucial one in understanding the different semi spheres that were being created within what was supposed to be a federation. Although the role of it as such had not yet been clearly defined, it was up for Abraham Lincoln, after he was elected leader, to define with these speeches and hints were making more evident. The American Civil War was just a step away, and Lincoln, Douglas and the slave owners could not agree on the topic that could free a large proportion of the population, the African slaves. Based on what we see, it is clear that what was to come would shape America into what it is now, a united, slave free nation. Yet these are the roots of what is taken for granted today. This antagonism fueled some of the fiercest and defining battles fought in U.S. continental grounds. Bibliography * Divine, Robert A., Breen, T.H., Fredrickson, George M., Williams, R. Hal, Gross, Ariela J., Brands, H.W. and Roberts, Randy † America: Past and Present† United States, Pearson Longman, 2005. * Lincoln, Abraham â€Å"House Divided Address† Republican State Convention, Springfield, Illinois, June 17th, 1858. * Lincoln, Abraham and Douglas, Stephen A. â€Å"Sixth Joint Debate† Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Quincy, Illinois, October 13th, 1858.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Cover Letter Sample for Customer Experience Job

Cover Letter Sample for Customer Experience Job SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're hoping to join a customer experience team, then you've got to have good people skills! In this sample cover letter, the applicant emphasizes her warm, patient, positive qualities, as well as her love for the company's products. Read on to see how Poppy presentsherself as a strongapplicant, and then continue on to the breakdown of what this letter does well. Cover Letter Sample for Customer Experience Representative Poppy Harrington14 Standish St.Cambridge, MA 02138edward.harrington@gmail.com * 555-555-5555 May 1, 2016 Zachary ParkerDirector of Customer RelationsLark Lenses102 Charles St.Boston, MA 024 Dear Zachary Parker, I’m excited to apply to the position of Customer Experience Representative with Lark Lenses, a position I learned about from Product Designer, Allie Saltman. As an experienced support representative and long-time patron of Lark Lenses (I’m wearing â€Å"Anderson† glasses as I type this), I’d be thrilled to join the Lark Lenses team. Please allow me to share my experiences as they relate to the responsibilities of Customer Experience Representative. For the past two years, I worked on the support team of marketing software start-up, DubStop. I taughtcustomers the ins and outs of the software and helped troubleshoot problems through phone, email, and live chat. Typical problemsincluded account set-up, payment processing issues, and software bugs. From this role in customer support, I developed stellar communication and organizational skills and the ability to think on my feet. While I love interacting with customers, I’m less passionate about marketing software and aimto work in the fashion industry. As I mentioned above, I’m a hugefan of Lark Lenses’ products and am inspired by the company’s devotion to high quality eyewear, low costs, and innovative customer service. My loyalty was cemented the first time I tried its home try-on service; I ended up ordering both my Andersons and the Winstonian sunglasses. As a devoted Lark Lenses' customer, I have the familiarity with your products to jump right in and hope, over time, to grow within your company. I’m confident that I have the personal qualities of warmth, patience, adaptability, sincerity, and energy to excel in the role of Customer Experience Representative. Lark Lenses inspires me withits innovative work at the crossroads of fashion and technology.I would love to learn more about the role and can be reachedby phone or email. Thank you very much, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Poppy Harrington PoppyHarrington From her cover letter, it sounds like Poppy could turn her customers' frowns upside down. Customer Experience Cover Letter: The Breakdown Poppy's excited by the prospect of joining the Lark Lenses' team, and she makes sure the hiring manager knows it. She starts out by showing familiarity with the company; not only does she know someone who works in product design, but she was also wearing her Lark Lenses glasses as she wrote the letter. Poppy states thatshe has experience working in support and interacting with customers over the phone and through email and live chat. She also explains the reason she wants to switch, stating that she would prefer to work infashionover software. Poppy further expressesher excitementby saying she hopes to grow within the company. Poppy uses a few specific examples in her letter, describing some of her responsibilities at DubStop and her experiences with Lark Lenses and its home try-on program. Overall, her cover letter helps personalize her application and express her enthusiasm for the company and its available role in customer experience. Poppy's coverletter also features a traditional format, with her name and contact information at the top, followed by the date and the hiring manager's details. Should your cover letter look the same? A Note on Format If you're sending your cover letter by hard copy (rare) or as a Word attachment, then you'll likely use a similar format to the one you see in the sample above. However, if you're pasting your email directly into the body of an email or a text box on an application portal, then you don't really have to worry about these traditional headers. In the latter two cases, you can just start right in by addressing the hiring manager. In these plain text, electronic formats, a real-life signature's not part of the equation either.Think about how you're sending your letterand any other application instructions as you put on the final touches! As with your cover letter'scontent, make sure to be intentional about its overall look. What's Next? Looking for more samples? Check out our full cover letter guide with six sample letters, plus you'll find some great tips for writing your letter. Are you figuring out how to start your own letter? Our cover letter guide will help you push past writer's block with a clear step-by-step template.

Monday, November 4, 2019

How Many AP Classes Does the Ivy League Want?

Getting into the Ivy League is no easy task. In fact, with acceptance rates stooping well into the single digits, simply getting top test scores and a perfect GPA isn’t enough to guarantee admissions. So, it’s no wonder that we often hear from students wondering just what it takes to get in. One question we hear a lot has to do with course load. Just how many AP classes are enough for these extremely selective universities? Will taking more increase your shot at acceptance? To learn more about how many AP classes you need to take to get into the Ivy League, don’t miss this post. Like with most questions about elite college admissions, this one is hard to pin down. There’s no secret formula to getting into the Ivy League (believe us, if there were, we’d know about it!). Instead, the answer depends on a number of different factors. Basically, the Ivy League and other highly selective colleges look for students who make the most of their opportunities. This means that if some AP classes are available at your school, you should take them. If none are available, it won’t be held against you. If many are available, your choice becomes a little more complex. Ultimately, if endless AP options exist at your high school, you should aim to take between 7-12. You should start slowly during your freshman year. Think of this as the time to test the waters with a high-interest but lower-key course offering, like psychology or human geography. Once you’re accustomed to the AP workload, you can add another course or two during sophomore year. By junior and senior year you should be looking to take three or four AP classes. No matter how many AP options exist at your high school, keep in mind that you need to take the most challenging load possible if you want to be eligible for Ivy League schools. You’ll want   to talk to your counselor if you aren’t sure how to work out your schedule. Finally, remember that college admissions aren’t just selective—they’re competitive. You will be compared to other students, and specifically to other students from your high school, if they’ve applied to the same colleges. You need to make sure that your course load is as impressive, if not more so, than the students you’re up against. While no Ivy Leagues offer a specific AP course requirement, they do generally all agree that they are looking for students who challenge themselves and maximize their opportunities. We consider it a promising sign when students challenge themselves with advanced courses in high school. We understand that not all secondary schools offer the same range of advanced courses, but our strongest candidates have taken full advantage of the academic opportunities available to them in their high schools. Columbia’s stance is less specific but has the same gist, noting â€Å"We hope to see that a student is avidly pursuing intellectual growth  with a rigorous course load.† Dartmouth too offers no specific guidelines about AP classes, but does state, â€Å"We have no set requirements for high school courses completed. We look for students who have taken the most challenging curriculum available to them.† Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. There are two factors to prioritize when picking AP classes. First, choose courses that highlight your strengths, in areas that might be the focus of a future major or career. If you apply to a specific program, colleges will look for evidence that you are capable of a high level of work in that field. AP classes are a simple way of establishing your prowess in specific areas of study. Second, choose classes that are genuinely interesting to you. It isn’t common to find high school courses in psychology or music theory, so if these topics seem interesting, AP classes are a great way to explore them in-depth. Plus, if you’re interested in something, you’ll be more motivated to master the material. This being said, Ivy League admissions committees sometimes prefer to see AP classes in the core course areas, as these are more common areas of future study. By looking at how much credit the Ivies award for certain AP classes, you can see which ones might look more impressive on your transcript. Take Harvard, for example, where a score of five on the European History or Chemistry AP will earn you eight credits, whereas a score of five on the Comparative Government and Politics AP will not earn you any credit at all. You can see the entire table of Harvard credit for AP classes on their Advanced Placement Exams page for current students . AP classes that align with core curriculum may be viewed as more valuable by some admissions committees. If your high school doesn’t offer AP courses, you aren’t completely out of luck. There are still some great options available that will highlight your ability to tackle college-level work and show off your willingness to take initiative. First of all, it is possible to take AP exams without formally enrolling in AP classes. This is called self-studying, and it is a common approach for students who either don’t have access to AP classes, or who want to take more extensive AP classes than their school provides. To learn more about self-studying, check out our post The Ultimate Guide to Self-Studying AP Exams . Another option is to enroll in online or local college courses. Taking college classes while you’re still in high school shows off your areas of strength and makes it clear that you’re capable of college-level academics. Learn more about this option in our post Should I Take College Classes Over the Summer? Ultimately, AP classes are just one of many ways that you can set yourself apart during the college admissions process. Choose your course load carefully and you’re more apt to stand above the rest of the applicant pool.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

21st Century America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

21st Century America - Essay Example The events, although completely grievous, have shown how peoples can untie and fight terrorism. As the world watched the deaths of hundreds of people during the terrorist attacks and as people were horrified especially with the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001, â€Å"a wave of patriotism spread throughout the United States† (hkluoi, 19--). People were wondering who this Osama Bin Laden was and they were wondering what kind of philosophies he might have held for him to do such terrible acts. As people grieved and others have shown heroic acts in the events, some expressed their anger toward the terrorists and the mastermind, Bin Laden. The events somehow caused people to see what could be done in a world crisis such as terrorism. As a result, this challenge will perhaps have the greatest impact on the future of America and the world because it somehow bound people together regardless of age, gender, religion, philosophies or political affilia tion at such a crucial time. People now know that even if evil rises, good will always win over it because people naturally join hands together to fight for the freedom and peace their ancestors have fought